
05 Dec 2016

Phase Transition in Ferromagnetic Simulation and Experiment


A program is written that implements a 3-dimensional Ising model and the Metropolis algorithm to simulate the phase transition of a ferromagnet to a paramagnet. Vanishing magnetization and a discontinuity in the average energy for simulated data is observed at the Curie temperature. Simulated data compared to experimental measurements of CoNiFeCB magnetization as a function of temperature shows that the simulation approaches the Curie temperature quicker. The Curie temperature for CoNiFeCB is measured to be approximately 600 °C.

PDF : Phase Transition in Ferromagnetic Simulation and Experiment

date: 2016-12-05

The Mössbauer Experiment


This report is an overview of repairing a Mössbauer experiment for an upper level undergraduate modern physics lab. After obtaining a stronger Co57 source, measurements were taken with a stainless steel and iron absorber to observe nuclear resonant absorption and radiation. The line width with the stainless steel absorber is Γ = (0.084 ± 0.006) × 10−13 mm/s, and the fractional line width is (1.407 ± 0.101) × 10−13. This is in good agreement with the known value of fractional width from the excited state of Co57 to its ground state. It is also found that a piece of equipment is malfunctioning, namely the drive module, but a solution for “calibration on the fly” is proposed.

PDF : The Mössbauer Experiment

date: 2015-05-14

Mu2e: Tracker and calorimeter study in MARS


Mu2e is an experiment at Fermilab that will search for charged lepton flavor violation (CLFV) at an increasing sensitivity that will be able to probe energies as high as 10 000 TeV. The CLFV that will be sought is the neutrino- less conversion of a muon into an electron in the vicinity of an aluminum nucleus. This process is normally forbidden in the Standard Model of physics, yet discoveries since the development of the SM, and more, lead more than one reason to point to theories beyond the Standard Model that account for CLFV, some of which have already been proven. The focus of this study is on the development of the tracker and calorimeter that will be used to detect the conversion electrons, specifically on the geometry and simulation in the MARS code. Geometrical models created with the purpose of ignoring backgrounds as much as possible, coupled with measuring particles momenta, trajectory, and end energy are the main strengths employed to detect our goal. Results are discussed and data given of a toy model simulation and a full model simulation in MARS.

PDF : Mu2e: Tracker and calorimeter study in MARS

date: 2014-08-01